Sunday, October 7, 2007

Artists are Mediums for messages from a Spiritual place!!

After reading Graham Hancock's book, Supernatural, and interviewing a few artists, I am more and more inclined to believe that creating is a spiritual experience.

In his book, Graham explores the links and similarities between ancient cave paintings in Europe, Bushmen paintings in South Africa and paintings done by Shamans in South America. Shown on the left is one such painting done by the Peruvian Shaman, Pablo Amaringo under the influence of Ayahuasca.

Expanding on the work of renowned rock art expert David Lewis-Williams, Hancock postulates that hallucinations, induced by mushrooms or through physical exertions or pain, were responsible for this first jump from primitive dull pre-historic man, to the artistic and creative human being.

It is also known that up to 2% of the western population has the ability to hallucinate, or see visions, naturally without the aid of hallucinogenic agents such as Ayahuasca or LSD. These people may be receiving some of the same messages that people have been receiving over the ages, and depending on their social context might feel the urge to paint them on rock walls or canvas as the case may be.

Given the fact that the theories about the origin of art from Lewis-Williams and Hancock are gaining wider and wider acceptance in academic circles - is it not fair to question whether most art is still based on inspiration from the spiritual??


Juliet Close said...

My high school art teacher told me that artists were the 'antennae of society'...for them to fulfill their function, they were created with far fewer layers of skin...

Unknown said...

Shew, this is a great topic and definitely food for thought. It made me think of automatic writing and channeled writing. There seems to be an increasing amount of writing which the authors claim to be is channeled. It does make one wonder to what extent the divine spark of any creativity is part of the collective consciousness? And how much more we are all connected to one another than we are separate?

The early studies on LSD by Timothy Leary make for interesting reading.

Juliet Close said...

The topic of channeling is a big one...relating to metaphysics and the occult.

From my experience, I know that is possible for anyone to have access into the spirit world and these worlds are connected to us.
Yet there are a variety spirits/gods/ angels (different personalities, names, hierachies)who perform a variety of funtions and have different agendas on earth. There are many techniques to access this world, yet best not to go in with spiritual ignorance.

Many people do not realise that the spirt world does not operate on the same laws as the material world. Also spirit entities have the ability to be shapeshifters which means they can present themselves in different forms.

When opening oneself to other spirits, it is wise to test the spirit - not all spirits are benevolent. One should surely ensure spiritual protection by testing the vibrations of entities against the benchmark of pure love, warmth and safety.The safe path has the feeling of being in a womb. This is not a feeling one conjures up - it is given. If one senses any fear/cold/ disconnectivity from self, be alert - be warned. Just because the spirit may 'know' truth, does not necessarily mean it is good.

Most mediums have entered into contractual relationship with sprits who perform higher order functions through the human.Often, the power is initially vested the huamn , but than usually changes over time, and the spirit dominates. Anything 'automatic' implies a lack of consciouness, which means a disconnected from self.

Ever wonder where the human spirit of a medium goes when it is channeling?

'Truth'will always be revealed- if you search with all your heart. This is a spiritual law - so ask for it - search for it. On my journey, I saw what I needed to see, and thankfully, I am on a journey towrds the freedom and innocence of a child - again.