I did it, you did it.
We placed my orange in my mental ‘Safe’, where I keep failed experiments and own treasures that I refuse to let go of, but would not dare to expose it to the rest of the world again.
I would love to make my ‘Safe’ see-through. It would let you see the benefit of my orange, to you and others without me feeling vulnerable.
If I do not have the confidence to take my orange and peel away the skin, how will you know what lies beneath, it could change your life?
If I do not have the confidence to take my orange and peel away the skin, how will you know what lies beneath, it could change your life?
There is two ways - One is - I break in, yank it out, show the world and laugh at you, but I guess that will make you cry, and in the not too distant future the same may happen to me. Nietsche would probably advise me to go for it anyway - even though that may be the last interaction ever.
The second option? Take away the safe
Do this by providing an environment where trying, is the result... - there cant be shame in that can there?
During my journey in the realm of creativity, I have consciously made an effort to ask myself, how could I do things differently. I made an effort to supress the analtyically and risk-averse left side of my brain and began to experiment with other ideas. (I mean, imagine combining Adidas and GPS)
Are you looking into a mirror?
My mother always told me that most people are so caught up with themselves that they are probably dop not have the mental space to crticise me. It taught me that we are our own worst critics and ultimately, no one really cares about our stuff as much as we do.
I've been thinking about this - or more or less it recently.
I've been privileged enough to have a friend who cares very much for humanity and who actively encourages his friends to show their deeper layers or put in another way, helps to unlock others. Having this ongoing experience in friendship has shown me many new insights and allowed me to share myself with the world more. I then got to wondering why most of us (myself included) hope for someone else to unlock us?
What mindshift and competencies does it take for us to want to help unlock others? And given as though we usually have the hugest blindspots about ourselves, where do we find others to give us reflections? Can we self-unlock?
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