The journey on Creativity in the Strategy, Design and Creativity Course has awakened many feelings as to whether I am creative or not. One of the areas in which creativity is expressed in is in fashion.
Being conservative in my dressing, I am left to wonder at my level of creativity. However, consolation comes to my heart when I learn that fashion has intensities. Fashion intensity is the rate at which one catches up with new trends in fashion and it also relates to how fashionable one is.
Fashion being one of the areas for creative expression, I therefore wonder how creatively I have expressed myself using this area as a measure for creative expression. Kindly, take a moment and consider your ability to express yourself creatively using fashion, having you been expressing yourself creatively?
Being conservative in my dressing, I am left to wonder at my level of creativity. However, consolation comes to my heart when I learn that fashion has intensities. Fashion intensity is the rate at which one catches up with new trends in fashion and it also relates to how fashionable one is.
Fashion being one of the areas for creative expression, I therefore wonder how creatively I have expressed myself using this area as a measure for creative expression. Kindly, take a moment and consider your ability to express yourself creatively using fashion, having you been expressing yourself creatively?
I wonder whether the creatvity is maybe our ability to identify our personality/mood and then convert that into an expression using clothing and /or accesories. If one has a conservative personality, it just makes sense to wear conservative clothes if they express how you really feel.
Colour therapists say one should wear a certain colour is you feel lacking eg: wear blue if you need to calm down, and red is you need to energy...not sure about that?
I have certainly never expressed myself in this medium at all, apart from the fact that I do dress conservatively.
I do think the post is valid for the fashionistas amongst us, and certainly for a large portion of the population.
In addition, this might be a big part of many teenagers identity and help in developing their expressive ability.
The superhero outfits I put on each morning certainly work for me!
I recently watched the Tenzin Palmo story - Cave in the Snow and this got me to thinking about those who opt out of an individualized fashion expression - e.g. monks and nuns, those who wear uniforms. I'm thinking that if I spent all the time a year I spent shopping and getting ready for the day, there'd be loads more time for writing and painting and playing!! Be that as it may, I don't think I'll be converting to a uniform this year
Reflecting on the way I dress, I see direct correlations to the state of mind or stages of development. Rather than expressing my creativity in the way I dress I choose to reflect my desired state of mind.
This reminds me of Coco Chanel's quotes:
“La mode se démode, le style jamais.”
Fashion goes out of fashion; style never does... How useful and beautiful it would be if we looked for style and cultivated that in all our work and actions rather than chasing the latest fashions. Imagine the difference over the long term - development of character and substance, creativity that adds depth and value.... I guess you know what I'm getting at.
"La mode c'est tout ce qui se démode"
Fashion is all which puts itself out of fashion. In other words, fashions are ephemeral and have to be terminated, killed off, in order to make way for the next fashion. This is why we have fashion lines, seasons etc. This makes me think of the importance of creative destruction as a desirable, not tragic thing... and of how change and new ideas, new provocations, help keep us alert, interested and entertained.
Good for people to know.
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