I am a firm believer in the journey. A journey takes us down a road that leads us to discover, to explore our inner selves as much as our place within the universal system of life. The journey symbolises so much in regards to the idea of distance, growth and struggle. The process of learning and development. Yet through the course of life I engaged a concept which highlights for me the process of forgetting, of loss and stripping down of one’s inherent make-up and essence. A road that as we travel further down, we loose more and more of this essence. The loss I talk of is the diminishment of our creativity.
My interests have been perked by the possible exploration of what creativity is, what is the need for creative expression and what factors impact us profoundly that begin to strip us of our self-belief and expression as we get older and travel further down this road of self-discovery. I have an absolute belief that creativity is linked to ‘freedom of expression’ and this expression lies at the heart of the essence of humanity. I believe we are born from an energy of creativity and this energy is what drives us daily to explore, to expand and to express. It is possible that this energy is released through creative expression and this release could have a positive and exponential effect on our environments, whether personal or business, encouraging higher energy in those around us, and thereby higher enthusiasm and productivity.
What is important about this train of thought is that it provokes a direct inquiry as to the lack of creative management style prevalent in the world of business today. My primary interest around this broad topic is what possible practices can be instituted in today’s hierarchical governance and presidents in business to bring humanity back into the work place and into our lives. The ‘sanitising of the human spirit’ congers up the frightening but realistic image of the way most ‘big business’ is governed today. Is an endeavour to bring about more creativity in the business arena a worthy cause with validated effort or will the input be suppressed down by realistic practices and archaic leaders?
There is evidence that work environments void of creativity tend to breed a character of low motivation amongst employees and that leaders who exhibit creativity and diversity in their management styles encourage the growth of greater cohesion and connectivity within their teams. What boundaries must be crossed to bridge our essence of creativity with our linear life-styles? Perhaps in the end it is our individual responsibility to cross this bridge - back to creativity...
My interests have been perked by the possible exploration of what creativity is, what is the need for creative expression and what factors impact us profoundly that begin to strip us of our self-belief and expression as we get older and travel further down this road of self-discovery. I have an absolute belief that creativity is linked to ‘freedom of expression’ and this expression lies at the heart of the essence of humanity. I believe we are born from an energy of creativity and this energy is what drives us daily to explore, to expand and to express. It is possible that this energy is released through creative expression and this release could have a positive and exponential effect on our environments, whether personal or business, encouraging higher energy in those around us, and thereby higher enthusiasm and productivity.
What is important about this train of thought is that it provokes a direct inquiry as to the lack of creative management style prevalent in the world of business today. My primary interest around this broad topic is what possible practices can be instituted in today’s hierarchical governance and presidents in business to bring humanity back into the work place and into our lives. The ‘sanitising of the human spirit’ congers up the frightening but realistic image of the way most ‘big business’ is governed today. Is an endeavour to bring about more creativity in the business arena a worthy cause with validated effort or will the input be suppressed down by realistic practices and archaic leaders?
There is evidence that work environments void of creativity tend to breed a character of low motivation amongst employees and that leaders who exhibit creativity and diversity in their management styles encourage the growth of greater cohesion and connectivity within their teams. What boundaries must be crossed to bridge our essence of creativity with our linear life-styles? Perhaps in the end it is our individual responsibility to cross this bridge - back to creativity...
If I may summarise... You talk of:
Losing creativity
What causes us to lose it
These factors strip us of self belief and expression
>I don't agree here no creativity does not equal lack of self belief, confidence
What is creativity
Creativity is freedom of expression
Born from energy of creativity
>How about born from sexual energy
This energy drives us to explore expand express
>Sexual energy!!!!
Energy release, exponential effect, higher enthusiasm and productivity
>The hippies were certainly creative - not much productivity or enthusiasm for work there.
Lack of creative management style
Practices to bring humanity back
>Humanity does not equal creativity
Sanitising of the human spirit
>Is this not a good thing?
No creativity - no motivation
>Do not agree...
Creativity - cohesion and connectivity
>Certainly do not agree
Our linear lifestyles
>How about your linear lifestyle
Individual responsibility
>Good reccomendation.
In regards to the below comments:
Your understanding of the post must be squewed. No mention, in my view, of 'No Creativity' merely a loss of creativity.
How it is you cannot identify the creative energy in humanity must mean your understadnign of life is clinical. Have you ever seen a dog paint?? A quirrel preform the arts. It is clear that Humanity is about creativity which is inherent in expression.
Also - in addressing your comments on Hippies and you comment on loss of creativity not being linked to self-belief - Strong views but based on what?? Sanitising the human spirit - are you a robot??
In my view it is people like you who encourage young children to become accountants!
Whaa ha ha
Seems I stepped on a nerve!!! Are you maybe an accountant.... Seems as if there are some issues here??
By the way, I enjoyed your creative spelling. LOL
The idea was not to insult, as you did I may add, but to N-Gage, that is rather creative!!, on some of the concepts you offered.
I invite you to re-examine your post and the points I disagreed on, and to offer a reasoned justification of why an alternative point of view should be rejected...
Waiting in suspense
Absolutely - Creative Spelling...I thought I was very N-gauging. No insults as you put it but direct and honest communication hoping to invoke real substance in your comments and not fish-hooks to spur emotion or passion or both. Here's how I view the passage - An idea to explore the loss of creativity in normalised environments to lead to dialogue in regards to what has A.) Potentially stripped our creative expression B.) What can be done to re-introduce or encourage creative development in us today and C.) What effect would this have in our work place (Necessary or wasted energy with little beneficial outcome to the employee and employer)? N-gauging dialogue is the key but focus on this topic and the passage as just an angle to explore. I personally believe, as I mentioned, that there are to many Accountants (How do you know the inside scoop?)...Sneaky but true. We have so many fears and I truly believe that Fear of creative expression is one of the greatest. I put forward that many people are fearful to stand out in a crowd and express themselves for fear of judgement or maybe the perception of exclusion. This I believe is due to the process of development as we develop from young children. Many of the processes are linear and eventually are governed by uniformity. Big issues!! I was told a story once of a young girl who was scolded by her mother for singing. Her mother had a long day and was irritable when she got home from work. The young girl was singing as she potted around her Mother and unfortunately the mother, unintentional to the effect, snapped under duress and shouted “Stop your signing, it is dreadful!” The lady that told me the story was the young child and she mentioned to me that she has never sung in public again. It is my feeling that the system we enter into is linear and therefore produces linear products and thus my view of “Sanitisation”. Again – I ask how can this concept be a good thing in regards to being creative?
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